Monday, November 28, 2011

6th and last post!

Today is Monday November 28, 2011. It is 40˚F and I sat out from 3pm to 3:30 pm. It is cold outside and the squirrels can feel it as well as I can. All the squirrels holed up for the day I concluded as I did not see a single one today. I took a picture of the view I have in front of me as always. As I was sitting there I kept hearing birds making noise around me and I could not figure out in the trees where they were until I looked directly up. I saw what I was hearing. There was 9 birds flying around above my head all in a group. These were the only animals I saw in this time I sat there. I could not get a good picture of the birds but I will put it on the blog.

Monday, November 21, 2011

5th Visit its Getting Chilly!!!

Tonight 11/21/11 I sat out in 37˚F weather looking for animal movement out in my study area. I sat out from 4:45-5:15. This is one half hour. I keep having to sit out earlier and earlier due to the time change and the days are starting to get shorter. With a cold crisp in the air and the sun close to setting I sat out and all I saw was one squirrel. I thought it might be easier to spot animals because the trees are so open now and the leaves are crunchy so you can ear the animals moving, but at the same time it is nearing winter so most of the birds have flown away and it seems like some of the squirrels are starting to hole themselves up. I saw an old birds nest and took some pictures of squirrels nests and the picture I always take looking straight out into the environment. I only saw one animal tonight.