Friday, September 30, 2011

Second visit in the rain?!?!

My second visit was yesterday 9/29/2011. It was not a perfect day. In fact it was quite the opposite. Going out in my camouflage clothes I sat at my tree on the very wet ground. It was smelling fresh and like the fresh fallen rain. Under the trees it was almost like it was still raining instead of the slight drizzle that was still in the air. At 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm the day had taken a turn from pretty nice to wall of black cloud that totally blocked out most to all light. Going out to my field study area there was just enough light to see the trees in front of me. Around me I could hear dripping and the rustle of leaves. At first I thought this was animals, but instead it was just the dripping off the leaves. Sitting out here for an entire hour I did not see one animal. For me this just shows that animals can sense the weather and they went and holed themselves up for the night. This was a peaceful visit, but it did not allow me to gather any data due to a unfortunate fact that the rain drove the animal movement down to a zero.


  1. Color changes? Watch for patterns. Pics?

  2. No more visits will get credit without the pictures. See your guidelines.
